Full Leg: £27
Full Leg & Bikini: £3
3/4 Leg: £24
½ Leg: £20
Underarm: £13
Hi Leg Bikini: £17
Bikini: £13
Arm: £20
Lip: £10
Chin: £10
Eyebrow: £10
Lip and Chin: £17
Lip, Chin & Eyebrow: £23

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All our wax treatments use the very popular Perron Rigot brand, the French manufacturer of deluxe depilatory waxes used by the top salons and spas worldwide. Perron Rigot, developed the ground-breaking formula for low-temperature and no-strip wax (or hot wax as it’s also known) which sticks to the hair not the skin. Finally taking away the painful wax, especially for those sensitive areas! We use hypoallergenic wax for sensitive skin and whether you’re having a strip or non-strip wax (depending on the area being waxed) our highly trained therapists aim to offer you a comfortable, relaxing and as pain free an experience as possible.


Brazilian & Hollywood Initial Consultation & Appointment: £32
2-3 weeks re growth: £22

2-4 weeks re growth: £27

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Chest: £21

Back: £28

Back, Chest, Arms & Shoulders: £51

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